# useEventBusListener

# Reference

useEventBusListener(eventName, callback: () => {}, options?: { once? })

# Parameters

  • eventName: The name of the event to listen for.
  • callback: A function to be executed when a event matching the provided name is dispatched.
  • options: An optional object literal of options:
    • once: Whether or not the event listener should be automatically removed once an event as been handled.

# Returns


# Usage

import { useCallback } from "react";
import { useEventBusListener } from "@squide/firefly";

const handleFoo = useCallback((data, context) => {
    // do something...
}, []);

// Listen to every "foo" events.
useEventBusListener("foo", handleFoo);

// Listen to the first "foo" event, then automatically remove the listener.
useEventBusListener("foo", handleFoo, { once: true };